
Showing posts from August, 2020

C Language

Programming Languages ---------------------------------- Programming langauges are used to develop software applications (e.g. facebook, whatsapp, banking application etc) There are many programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python and more. Those who work on programming languages are called Software programmer or Software developer C language ========== -mother of all langauges -Denies Ritche -1972 Example (hellowo rd.c) #include   <stdio.h> void   main () {      printf ( "hello aleena" ); } Example : what is variable ? Example variable and datatype #include <stdio.h>      void   main (){          int   age = 12 ;      float   percentage = 76.99 ;      char   name []  = { 'a' ,  'l' , 'e' , 'e' , 'n' , 'a' };           printf ( "Name = %s" ,  name );      printf ( " \n " );      printf ( "Percentage = %f" ,  percentage );      printf ( " \n " );      printf ( "



SQL with Oracle

Open SQLPLUS from CMD and type following credentials username: system password: akbar123 Or else type following command in CMD or RUM prompt sqlplus /  as  sysdba Example: How to create a table name "student" CREATE TABLE student(  id NUMBER,  firstname VARCHAR2(40),  fathername VARCHAR2(40),  surname VARCHAR2(40),  class NUMBER,  address VARCHAR2(50) ); Example: How to insert the new students records INSERT INTO student(id, firstname, fathername, surname, class, address)  VALUES(101, 'Aleena', 'Akbar', 'Bagwan', 7, 'Mumbai'); INSERT INTO student(id, firstname, fathername, surname, class, address)  VALUES  (102, 'Aliza', 'Akbar', 'Bagwan', 5, 'Mumbai'); INSERT INTO student(id, firstname, fathername, surname, class, address)  VALUES  (103, 'Alishba', 'Akbar', 'Bagwan', 0, 'Mumbai'); INSERT INTO student(id, firstname, fathername, surname, class, address)VALUES  (104, 'Dibyanka


RDBMS (Database) software are used to store the data. Formally known RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) Informally known Database     1) MySQL 2) Oracle 3) Sybase 5) Postgre and there are many more SQL (Structure query langauge) is used to to work around these RDBMS or Database SQL is pronounced as "sequel" Q: write a SQL to select all student ? SELECT * FROM student; Q: write a SQL to select only firstname of all students ? SELECT firstname FROM student; Q: write a SQL to select only surname of all students ? SELECT surname FROM student; Q: write a SQL to select only firstname and fathername of all students ? SELECT firstname, fathername FROM student; Q: write a SQL to select all students whose fathername is "akbar" ? SELECT * FROM student WHERE fathername = "akbar"; Q: write a SQL to select all students whose class is graeter than or equal to 5 ? SELECT * FROM student WHERE class >= 5; Q: write a SQL to insert a new student record ? INSERT